Afghanistan- A mountainous landlocked republic in central Asia. (2000- Present)

Afghanistan is located in central Asia near other countries like Iran and Iraq.


Al-Qaeda- a radical Sunni Muslim organization dedicated to the elimination of a Western presence in Arab countries and militantly opposed to Western foreign policy. (1988)

Al Qaeda led the attacks on the world trade center.

Apple- a Company formed by Steve Jobs, who provided a new form of technology nobody  has ever seen before. (1976)

Apple has created electronics that have changed how society looks at technology.

 Axis of Evil- Any government that is for terrorism. (2002)

Bush had named countries such as North Korea, Iran, and Iraq as the “axis of evil.”

 Blogging- A journal or a diary that is written online. (1998)

The idea of blogging had come about because of the increase in social networking sites.

 Clinton, Hillary- A former senator of New York, who ran for president. (1947- Present)

Hillary Clinton ran against Barack Obama in the democratic elections.

 Deepwater Horizon- An offshore oil drilling rig, owned by Transocean. (2001)

Deepwater Horizon is an oil rig.

 Facebook- A publication for an organization, such as a school or business, which helps members identify each other; also, an online version of this, with profiles including a picture, name, interests. (2004)

Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg.


Healthcare Reform- Health care reform is a general rubric used for discussing major health policy creation or changes. (2010)

Barack Obama led the Healthcare Reform in 2010.


Homeland Security- concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the U.S. and to reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur. (2003)

Homeland Security was created because of the September 11 attacks.


Hurricane Katrina- Hurricane in New Orleans that destroyed the whole city and brought the country together to help support the city. (2005)

Hurricane Katrina destroyed many homes and buildings.


Hussein, Saddam-  Iraqi leader who waged war against Iran; his invasion of Kuwait led to the Gulf War (1937-2006)

Saddam Hussein was one of the most hated person(s) in America after 9/11 occured.


Michael Jackson -  United States singer who began singing with his four brothers and later became a highly successful star during the 1980s. (1958-2009)

Michael Jackson was the biggest music icon that would perform and dance on stage infront of thousands. His murder was one of the biggest conspiracy theorys in US History.


Mitchell Report - The Mitchell Report is a document that was created by an American fact-finding committee, led by former US Senator George J. Mitchell, on the state of the Arab-Israeli conflict. (2001)

The Mitchell Report was published on April 30, 2001, and is also known as the "Sharm El-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee Report".


No Child Left Behind -  United States federal law that aims to increase the standards of accountability for states, school districts, and schools, as well as provide parents more flexibility in choosing which schools their children will attend. (2001)

 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was an act of 2001, and it's the new federal law to improve education. The law requires each state to set higher standards for what children should know and be able to do in grades 3-8.


Barack Obama - Barack Hussein Obama II  is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office. (2008)

Barack Obama was the most overrated president, his stimulus package barely worked and put the economy in a deeper hole then it was. He would also make new jobs on a good note.


Operation Iraqi Freedom - Official name for the war on Iraq. Bush says his goal is to free Iraqis, not to occupy their country and seize their oil resources. (2003)

The name "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was know as the quitest war.


Osama Bin Laden - The founder of Al-Qaeda, the jihadist organization responsible for the September 11 attacks on the United States and numerous other mass-casualty attacks against civilian and military targets. (1957-2011)

Osama Bin Laden was the next most hated man in the United States because of his terorrist attacks on the country from his established extremist group al-Qaeda.


Sarah Palin - Sarah Louise Palin is an American politician, commentator and author. As the Republican Party nominee for Vice President in the 2008 presidential election.

Sarah Palin was the republican vice-president of John McCain, her and McCain would lose to the democratic part Obama and Biden.


Patriot Act - A controversial law enacted in response to the September 11 attacks giving government agencies new powers to tackle terrorism. The law permits the indefinite imprisonment without trial of foreigners deemed to be a threat to national security. (2001)

The Patriot Act would now let the government agents to investigate if they needed to anytime.


Nancy Pelosi - The 60th and current Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

Nancy Pelosi was the first woman to hold the office and to date, has been the highest-ranking female politician in American history.


Recession - A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced.

President Bush would put the US economy into the second worse recession in the history.


William Rehnquist - Was an American Lawyer, Jurist and later the 16th chief justice of the US. (1924-2005)

William Rehnquist was Chief Justice for nearly 19 years, making him the fourth-longest-serving Chief Justice after John Marshall, Roger Taney, and Melville Fuller.


Condoleezza Rice - American political scientist and diplomat. She also served as 66th US Secretary of State. (1954)

Condoleezza Rice was the first female African-American secretary of state. as well as the second African American, and the second woman.


Soocial Security Reform - This was the action that government took to make the social security more effective. (2000)

The Social Security Reform would try to make improvements for the citizens either for the rich or poor.


Space Shuttle Columbia - This was the first space worthy space shuttle in NASA's program. (first flight 1981 - last 2003)

The Space Shuttle Columbia  would make 27 missions before it was destroyed on its re-entry on Feburary 1st, 2003.


Swine Flu - This was the worse virus during the 2000's decade, this was an influenza that was in  pigs then moved to humans causing major illness or death. (2009)

The Swine Flu was a major virus that started in Mexico and then went air borne to the states causing illness all over.


Tea Party Movement - A major movement that american populist wanted so the government would reduce spending, make more tax cuts not to the rich but to the average citizens. (2009) 

The Tea Party Movement was a nick name that was used from the colonists but now used because the citizens on the US wanted tax reductions and reduction of national debt.


WMD - a nick name used for Weapons of Mass Distruction. (1975)

The first Weapon of Mass Distruction took place back during the Cold War and Russia would make the first atom bomb. This made the US worried and put them in rush to make their WMD's.


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