WHO?! George W. Bush and Al Gore would be the two men involved with this court case.

WHAT?! This court case would make the official decision between the two presidential candidates. Three days before this court case would occure there would be a demand of the recount in Florida. Gore fought that the fact of Florida recounting the votes would violate the Equal Protection Clause, this was part of the fourteenth amendment.

WHERE?! Washington D.C.

WHEN?! 2000

WHY?! In Florida there were 9,000 ballots that needed to be counted. Counted by hand so many mistakes could be recorded. That night of the counting of the ballots everyone in the United States swore Al Gore had won. When the morning came Bush was then announced the winner. There were many states that were up for grabs during this election. This election came down to Florida for the right decision and when the people found out that Bush had won the people were then thinking Bush's brother had something to do with Bush winning surprisingly. Jeb (Bush's younger brother) would be blamed particially by the Gore Administration for cheating.



WHO?! US and Microsoft

 WHAT?! U.S Department of Justice was claiming that Microsoft was trying to perform a monopoly on the citizens of the United States. With Microsoft doing this they would violate the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. Like many other antitrust acts this act would make sure that no business can fix prices.

WHERE?! Washington D.C.

WHEN?! 1998

 WHY?! In 1999 district court judge Thomas Jackson found that  Microsoft was using its corporation for a Monopoly. When Microsoft was doing this they would be muting the competition in the technology field. 20 states and the US Department of Justice would catch Microsoft doing this and wanted to bring Microsoft to court for violating the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. There were many questionable calls like, Did the citizens choose the best program for technology? There were many controversial calls and Microsoft was told to not raise the prices to cause monopolies through out the United States.


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